

Here are resources that show and describe some of the history of the Belfer Laboratory at Syracuse University.

The Belfer Lab was incorporated with the Belfer Archive, having as its goal improving the art and science of the preservation of and accessibility to the wide range of media holdings, such as those within the archive.

For a brief period of time, roughly from 1988 to 1992 a burst of activity and innovation occurred that garnered international attention from institutions, professional societies, libraries, media companies, content owners and manufacturers.

Currently this site is serving as a collection point for the materials that have been found illustrating this time.

This site is not affiliated with Syracuse University.
It is a private collection dedicated to remembering a great time long ago.

Photo Collection 1

Photo Collection 2

Control Room One

Transfer and transfer station                       Presentation


Forbes Article

Worldnet Broadcast

DEC World

NAB Booth

Live end, dead end control room